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Choose the right answer  !
1.        Where can we possibly find the notice?
A.    In the lobby.              
B.     In the longue.
C.     In public places.        
D.    In the meeting room.
The text is for the questions no. 2 and 3.
Dolphins are our oldest friend in the sea. You can see dolphins swimming and playing in warm seas all over the world. Dolphins are popular at theme parks, too. There are many stories about dolphins. Sometimes, dolphins help ships in trouble. They also help people who are drowning.
Dolphins are about 8-9 feet (245-275 cm) long. They weigh 400-500 pounds (180-225 kg). Dolphins are not fish. They are mammals. They live in large groups. Dolphins have strong feelings and great memories. They are also very smart.
Dolphins communicate by sonar. A dolphin’s sonar is much better than man-made sonar. Dolphins “whistle,” “click,” and make sonar “pictures” to communicate with each other. Today, scientists study dolphins and their sonar. The military is also interested in dolphins.
People often swim with dolphins. When they swim with dolphins, people feel very happy. Sometimes, dolphins can help people who are sick. They help people with their sonar.
2.  What is the main idea of the text above?
      a. the story about helpful mammals
b. the description of dolphins
c. the people’s oldest friends
      d. the smart mammals
3. How many ways do dolphins communicate with each other?
a. one
b. two
c. three
      d. four
The text is for the questions no. 4 and 5.
             Stefano was small. He had narrow shoulders. He had thin arms. His chest was small, and his legs were skinny. Stefano did not like his body. “My body is weak,” he thought. "I want a big, strong body.”
             Stefano went to the library. He found a book about exercise. He read the book. The book said he should exercise, and he should eat healthy food. Stefano thought, “I am going to exercise, and I am going to eat healthy food.”
             So, Stefano exercised. He exercised on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. He ate a lot of fruit and vegetables. Soon, he had a big, strong body.
4 What was Stefano  like before he read the book?
a. He was healthy, strong, and big
b. He was small, thin, and skinny
      c. He was strong and healthy
d. He was smart and diligent
5. Look at the sentence, “He found a book about exercise” at the first paragraph. What   
    does the word “found” mean?
a. got
b. met
c. took
d. had
Read the text to answer questions number 6,7,and 8.
Lemon Sauce
Ingredients :   1 tablespoon conrstarch
½ cup white sugar
1/8 teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
1 cup boiling water
1 tablespoon butter
1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
1 lemon, juiced
In large saucepan, stir together sugar, cornstarch, salt and nutmeg. Gradually stir in boiling water, then simmer over low heat until thick, stirring occasionally.
Remove from heat; stir in butter, lemon zest and lemon juice and serve
6. What is the purpose the text above?
a.    To tell us  how to make Lemon Sauce
b.    To inform us  how to make Lemon Sauce
c.    To  announce about  how make Lemon Sauce
d.   To give insturction of how to make Lemon Sauce
7. What should you do after you simmer the mixture of sugar cornstarch, salt and 
a.    Stir the mixture of ingredients
b.    Serve the lemon sauce
c.    Stir in boiling water
d.  Remove from heat
8.  ….. then simmer over low heat until thick, stirring occasionally. The underlined word  
a.    often
b.    sometimes
c.     rarely
d.    always
The following graph is for questions no. 9 and 10.
9. What does the table tell us?
       a. the statistic of life expectancy
       b. the report of life expectancy
       c. the male and female life expectancy
       d. the record of life expectancy
10. One significant fact that is shown on the table is …..
       a. Males have a longer life expectancy than females
       b. Females have a longer life expectancy than males
       c. The life expectancy of the males has been increasing since 2000
       d. The life expectancy of the females has been decreasing since 2000


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